Vintage European Lighting Fixtures - Made in Germany

For more than 50 years, we are manufacturing classic outdoor lighting fixtures, pathway lights, lanterns and mailboxes, signs and doorbell buttons according to individual customer requirements.

Vintage Outdoor Lights

Residential Lighting for any size house. Click here to browse our 16 different styles and find the light that matches your house.Every fixture is a ‘one-of-a-kind’ custom made piece. You’ll be sur­prised to see how many custom options are available within each series.

Signs & Doorbells

in many traditional shapes and styles.
Each sign is sand-casted and manufactured individually upon your order.As with all our products, it is up to you, to choose the color and many other details like the type of inscription or the alignment of bell buttons.

Historic Mailboxes

Take a look at our many historic mailboxes. From column-, to post- or wall-mounted; our mail­boxes offer you great flexi­bi­li­ty in choosing the right match for your house.Customize your mailbox beyond the usual choice of color with our custom text options on the Throw-In-Slot.

Commercial Outdoor Lights

Our commercial lighting is used by many cities, towns and even Theme-Parks. However, many of these designs are also used for residential projects. Our collec­tion includes single- or multiple­crown fixtures up to 5 meters in height. All of the following exam­ples may be equiped with mul­ti­ple light sour­ces according to your specifications.


Our custom made Weather Vanes are made from sand-cast aluminum and come with stainless steel screws. Adjustable base for any angle of mounting. The motives all feature a raised 3-D surface.


Bollards are a discreet way to provide a barrier or to guide visitors along a path or walkway.

Made from solid sand-cast aluminum, our bollards withstand the elements to bring you years of reliable service.

Basins & Fountains

Vintage European Water Basins and Fountains from various eras.

Solid casted, durable and weather-proof. Made for you and your garden.

Antique Cast-Aluminium Accessories

Here you’ll find a collection of ac­ces­so­ries to compliment the design of your house.
From Sundials, Shoe-Scrapers or Door-Knockers made from solid cast iron to tiny antique elements.
Dahlhaus accessories are made from high quality sand-cast alu­mi­num and will last a lifetime.
