Sand-casting individual signs
In our foundry we do various castings with plastically raised texts using a traditional sand-molding process. Particularly popular are doorbell-signs with the owners name, or the throw-in slots of mailboxes, which can be cast with an individual text. We will show you step by step, how this works from creating a model to the finished cast sign:
Step 2: Filling the form with sand
A mold box is put over the finished model. The mold box is filled with sand and solidified.Step 3: A mold made of sand
The box is turned over and the model is removed. We now do have a negative form of the sign with the set lettering.Step 4: The sand molds before casting
A second molding side is required for the casting. With the inlet channels, it is placed on top of the other form.Step 5: Pouring the molten metal
The liquid aluminum is filled via the one channel until it rises from the second channel. That indicates, the form is fully cast.Step 6: Opening the mold
The mold is opened and the casting is removed.The mold breaks - it can only be used once. The sand is recycled and reused.
Step 7: Newly sand cast sign
The raw casting is cleaned from sand and is now processed further.The sprues are sawn off, the edges are cleaned smoothly and necessary holes are drilled.